There are Always New Beginnings in God
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Rev. Bishop Tonne
Welcome to our Home Page
We would like to Welcome you to Our Home Page. We are here to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God. Jesus, our Messiah, has called us to Spread the Gospel to all the Nations and to be the Helping Hands of our Lord God Almighty.
The Lord Loves you and wants to Embrace you in His Glory, Tenderness, Mercy, Comfort, and Strength. Our Ministry is Dedicated to Enhance your Relationship with Jesus Christ.
God Almighty Loved us so much that he gave his only Begotten Son as a Sacrifice that we might have Eternal Life. Jesus Loves you with an Everlasting Love. The Lord is Calling each one of us to Pick up our Cross and follow him daily. With his Guidance and Direction, We can rest in Peace and Know our Salvation is secure.

God Bless the Jewish people, His Chosen Ones.
God Bless Israel.
We need to be Praying for Israel
and the Holy Land that God gave the Jews.
This Sacred Land is Blessed by God Almighty.
He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
We Lift up Israel before our Lord and
ask the Lord to Protect her.
America is Here to Stand up for the Nation of Israel.

When you enter our Website, please look up at the top right where our Media links are embedded. We are on Facebook Twitter, and YouTube, Please take the time to go to some of our Media pages. Please join me on Pal talk my id name is ELIJAH PROPHET OF FIRE
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