God’s Prophecy to Bishop #1

                                               by Prophet Kevin July 17, 2002 2:00 A.M. – 2:50 A.M.







The FATHER says to you, ” My Precious Son, Do you not know that I pick up the tab when it is my work?
I buy the Food.
I buy the Gas.
I supply all your needs.
You have not decided to go on your own.
I have Called you.
I have Chosen you.
You are My Prophet.
And I Love you, My Son.
Cast the care of your call upon me.
I will do the works through you.
My Angel is standing over you now with a Horn of Oil, an Unlimited supply of My Spirit, Unlimited Provision.
Trust me.
Everything is taken care of.
All I require from you is Obedience.
I am your Source.
My Blessings are about to overtake you.
I have Blessed you with all Blessings in Heavenly Places in CHRIST JESUS.
They are yours.
Begin to draw and bring them down to Earth with the words of your Mouth.
That is why I gave you a mouth, to speak the Resources of Heaven into the Earth.
My Angels Move when you Speak forth My Word.
That is the only way that which is in Heaven can come to the Earth when one of my Sons speaks with the Unction of My Spirit.
You are Not Just My Prophet.
You are My Son.
And I will take care of all your needs.
Call forth your Provision from Heaven, and it will be released unto you,” saith the LORD.
This night I put the FATHER’S ANOINTING upon you.
You will experience My Love in a greater dimension from this day forward.
As you give it out, it will grow and become a River flowing out of your innermost being and it will totally Transform you into My Image.
You are my Son and an Heir of all that I have.
I say unto you. “Wake Up, Remember who you are and why I sent you to the earth through the womb of your mother.
You are My Son and I am Your FATHER.
Because you are secure in your relationship to me, it does not matter what men think or say.
It only matters that I Love You.
I am opening up Hidden Fountains of my life from within you.
Heavenly Portals are opening over your head.
My Spirit shall continually rain down upon your head, and My Life shall swallow up Your Life.
We shall be Fused as One.
You will not know where You Begin and I End, for I am bringing you into Union with Me.” saith the FATHER. Amen.

This is the First Prophetic word of Prophecy to Bishop #1. Please continue to read the second version of the next Prophecy. https://elijahprophetoffire.org/prophecy-to-bishop-2/


                                                      In His Service,

                                  His Servant the Prophet, Bishop D.T. Tonne



Praying in Bishop Robe

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