- Bishop Tonne has been Preaching in the Ministry over 25 Years.
- Bishop Tonne; Founder, President of El-Shaddai Church of the Living Waters Majestic Ministries of Jesus Christ.
- Ordained as Bishop October 22nd, 2000 in Tyler, Texas. Moved from Tyler, Texas to Pennsylvania May, 2012.
- Street Evangelism, Preaching and Pulpit Ministry since 1999
- Witness of Gospel of Jesus Christ to thousands of 18-wheeler truck drivers on a one to one Basis. throughout Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Colorado, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
- Evangelist and Witness to thousands of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics in Communities Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Churches and anywhere God leads me.
- Our Church has fed the Hungry, Visited the Sick, Visited the Prisons, Protected the Young and Innocent, and provided a Home for the homeless for 20 years.
- Internet Ministry for over 20 years, since 1998
- Spent endless hours Witnessing, Preaching, Teaching and Training the saved in the Faith of Jesus Christ and Warning, Enlightening the unsaved.
- World Televangelistic Ministry.
- Bishop Tonne have a pure heart shall be a vessel unto Honour Sanctified and meet for the Masters use. Following righteousness, Faith, Hope, Love, and Peace Shall his Church be by the Grace of God.
- Psalms_37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
- Bishop Tonne has come this far by Faith and by the grace of God he will continue to carry out the task that God has set Before him.
- Bishop Tonne Constantly Looks for lost Sheep and wins their Souls to Jesus Christ so they in hand will go out and look for others who are Lost and Empty and Introduce them to the KING OF KING’S, JESUS THE CHRIST!!!!!!!
- Bishop Tonne will train the Sheep so they will be used as Instruments of God for his Grace, mercy, and Love to flow through God’s people and be a Blessing to the Kingdom of God.