The purpose of Elijah Prophet of Fire Ministries International Church YouTube Channel is to provide GOD’S Church and the lost and dying world with messages. His task is to “PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD.” GOD has been speaking to Prophet Tonne since 1996 concerning the coming Judgement on America and all nations if we do not repent.
The LORD is pleading with His people, the Church, the Body of Christ, to Repent of our sins, and Come back to GOD before it is too late and the Wrath of GOD comes upon us. GOD does not want any of His people to perish, to burn in Hell for eternity, to endure the tortures of the devil.
That is why GOD sent His only begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST, to shed his Blood on the Cross for our sins. Man was eternally separated from GOD, and He had to have a Redeemer to bring us back into communication with Him.
John 3:16 says, “For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ” JESUS CHRIST was the propitiation for our sins, our substitute on the cross. He died and suffered in our place, for your sin and my sin, and for the sins of the world.
The videos that Prophet Tonne is making on his Church Youtube Channel portray the Love of GOD, His Compassion, His Mighty Power, His Glory and Honor, and His Forgiving, Merciful, and Gracious Heart. These videos show the Heart of GOD, calling His people back to Him, and seeking the Truth of what the WORD OF GOD is saying. Calling us to Holiness, Sanctification, and Pureness of Heart, the WORD OF GOD teaches us how to live so we might have eternal life with our HEAVENLY FATHER AND HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST.
The videos on this Church Youtube Channel express what a beautiful love the FATHER has for his children, for His creation, and for even those who have not received JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOUR yet. The lost and dying world have not yet received JESUS and claimed their Salvation, which is a free gift from GOD. These videos are to reveal GOD’S LOVE and GOD’S JUDGEMENT to His people.
With such power, anointing, and zeal, Prophet Tonne is relaying GOD’S MESSAGES to America and to all nations. A Prophet is the mouthpiece of GOD, and he speaks the WORDS OF GOD to the nations. He is not afraid to speak when GOD asks him to speak. What he says is faithful and true.
The purpose of Elijah Prophet of Fire Ministries Church You tube Channel is to bring the heart of the FATHER to the children and to bring the hearts of the children back to the FATHER. The heart of the Elijah Ministry is to warn the people to Repent, Come back to the LORD, and get prepared for the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST to the earth. JESUS is coming for a Church without spot, blemish, or wrinkle as HIS BRIDE.
These videos will enable the Christian to get prepared, to become a holy and sanctified vessel for the LORD to receive us into the KINGDOM OF GOD. All the scriptures in the WORD OF GOD show us GOD’S ways, His thoughts, and His example how to live to become as He is, righteous, pure, and holy.
JESUS IS COMING!!! Prophet Tonne is called of GOD to prepare His people, His Church, to get ready. Are you ready to meet your GOD??? Are you prepared to meet your Creator??? Are you going to spend eternity in Heaven or Hell??? Are you saved by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST or are you living for the devil and the world??? The choice is yours.
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15) Today is the day of Salvation. JESUS’ arms are open wide to receive you. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Please Come to our Church Youtube Channel and be Blessed in the Lord.