Bishop Tonne would be Honored to come to your Church and bring forth a message from God for Preaching Engagements.
He has been Preaching for many years in the Lord and would like to express too you about how he feels concerning God’s Church and his people.
Bishop Tonne has been working with many Churches in the Ministry and would like to be a blessing to you as a servant of God and a servant of the Sheep.
This Man of God really cares about God’s people and is very concerned about the Church the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The time is short and God is soon to come and get his Bride for the great wedding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at the Beautiful
Supper of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Praise be to God for his Almighty power and his Glory and his Blessings that he has given to his Church Praise God Hallelujah.
Please get ahold of Bishop Tonne as you feel led of the Lord as his Heart from God is ready to Bring a Message of the Lord to a dying and hurting world
that needs our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
May God Bless you all in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ Our Saviour our God and our Great King.
We look forward to hearing from you .
You are welcome to call Bishop Tonne day or night if you need any Prayer or Counseling in the Lord he will be more than Happy to Pray for you.
Please call if you would like to set up Preaching Engagements.
May God richly bless each and everyone of you. We Love you in the
Lord God Bless you all in Jesus name.