This Trumpet Prophecy Prophecy was received by Bishop Tonne from our LORD JESUS CHRIST on November 15, 1998. Bishop Tonne blesses everyone in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST.
This video expresses the excitement and joy true Christians have in God looking forward to the Second Coming of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!!!
ALAS, ALAS, The Trumpet is sounding, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, for the Day of our LORD is at hand. All earth bow before our great and mighty GOD, for the Trumpet is blowing in ZION!!!! The whole earth bow before our great and dreadful GOD. Lament, weep and mourn because the WRATH of the LAMB OF GOD is coming to the earth. The Voice of THE KING of KINGS and THE LORD OF LORDS is sounding. The DAY OF OUR LORD IS AT HAND.
Prepare ye the way of the LORD, for the TRUMPET OF ZION is sounding. OH, EARTH, hear what the SPIRIT is saying unto the Church. THE DAY OF OUR LORD IS AT HAND!!!
AWAKE, AWAKE, OH EARTH, AWAKE!!! THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. OUR GOD is coming for HIS Church without spot, blemish, or wrinkle. GOD is coming upon this earth to rule in HIS MILLINIUM KINGDOM. ALAS, ALAS, THE DAY OF OUR GOD IS AT HAND.
PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD. THE LORD IS COMING TO RULE THE EARTH!!! As CHRISTIANS, we should be looking to the sky for JESUS to come in the clouds and TAKE his CHURCH HOME to HEAVEN.
OH EARTH, listen and hear what the SPIRIT of GOD is saying unto the Churches. AWAKE, AWAKE! Ye men of war, beat your plowshares into swords.