Bishop Tonne blesses the Saints in the name of the LORD. Wake Up America The LORD has been putting things on Bishop Tonne’s heart that he would like to share with you.
The LORD loves America and the LORD loves you. Bishop Tonne also expresses his love for the Saints.
Bishop Tonne, a Prophet and Watchman of the LORD, has to warn the people through prophecy of GOD’S coming judgement.
If he does not warn the people, their blood will be on his hands, and he does not want that to happen!
Ezekiel 33:6 “But if the watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned, if the sword come and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”
GOD is raising up many Prophets, that will stand for the truth. GOD is raising up many Pastors also that will stand for the truth Wake Up America before its to Late.
God is warning the Pastors and Prophets who have stolen from His people to have luxurious homes, cars, and money to repent and turn to your Living God. Woe unto the Pastors who have fed themselves.
Bishop Tonne is not against your houses. He is against you stealing from GOD’S people. GOD says you have become a thief. Hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches.
Revelation_2:29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Woe be to the Prophets who have fed themselves.
Ezekiel 13: 1-3 is mentioned concerning the Prophets who have sold out to the devil for riches, fame, and fortune. GOD is speaking to Ezekiel. Woe unto the Prophets that prophecy out of their own hearts, that follow their own spirits and have seen nothing.
Wake Up America False Prophets are rising that have sinned against the LORD. They used to be of the LORD, but they have sold out for riches, fame, and fortune. You have sinned against the LORD.
Ezekiel 12: 2 reminds us that this nation is a rebellious nation to GOD ALMIGHTY. We have sinned against the LORD.
Wake Up America the LORD will bless the nation if we repent and turn back to GOD. If we do not Repent and Turn back to GOD, we will be devoured. If we Repent, The LORD shall be gracious unto thee.
Bishop Tonne blesses the Saints, and says that JESUS loves the Saints also as a word of encouragement.
Ezekiel 4: 1-3 is warning the Shepherds of Israel about feeding themselves instead of
the flock
Why have the Pastors lost their First Love, JESUS CHRIST? It is such an honor and blessing to serve our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Some Pastors have forgotten this.
Ezekiel 37: 1-13 The Lord tells Ezekiel to prophecy to the dry bones, and they shall live. “Son of man,” the Lord says, ” these bones are the House of Israel”. GOD is telling us that we are full of sin, full of dead men’s bones.
You are full of sin!
Repent, Turn to the Lord Your GOD, or GOD will remove the candlestick.
JESUS loves us, that’s why he died for our sins.
Wake up Church Sin abounds in this nation.
Sin is running rampant. The time is nigh, even at the doors, for us to repent, turn from our wicked ways, and come back to GOD. Hear the words of the LORD.
GOD is calling the Pastors to come back to Him, come back to your First Love.
JESUS loves you. GOD loves you.
John 3:16 tells of God’s love. Turn to JESUS!!! JESUS will be with you and be your GOD. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The clock is ticking. It is almost the midnight hour.
The LORD is coming for a church without spot, blemish or wrinkle. Turn unto the LORD, YOUR GOD!
Bishop Tonne speaks about the Prophecy about the Eagle, America, and GOD’S judgement concerning this nation. There are five steps of GOD’S judgement towards America.
The LORD speaks to young men and women. He wants to use them as a staff of fire in His ministry.
He tells parents to train up their children according to The Word of God. He speaks to His intercessors who are praying for America.
He speaks to the Prophets and tells them to listen to wisdom. Pastors, speak the truth. Do not compromise GOD’S word.
GOD blesses the intercessors. He has intercessors praying for America, and He will strengthen the intercessors because they are getting weak.
He will bless the intercessors and give them greater anointing.
he LORD blesses the Saints who have done good. He wants us to know that He loves us and cares for us.
The LORD blesses the Pastors who preach the truth, and those who have done good.
JESUS CHRIST is our intercessor, and he is praying for all of us.
What he says is Truth. He describes his judgement for this nation.
We must turn from our sins, repent, and come back to GOD and the LORD will be gracious unto us.
He does not want to destroy this nation because it was ordained from Heaven.
The LORD shall cause much suffering, “the earth to shake, the storms to make manifest the evil we have done, and shut up the Heavens.
“I am the same GOD, I change not. I am that I am, and there is none beside me.” the LORD says. “You can’t change your GOD.”
Turn from your sins, Repent and Turn back to your GOD. I say to the church,” I have given you my power, my strength. I am walking in my people. I begin to give revelations to my end-time Prophets. I will be with you because you have not left your First Love.”
“I and My FATHER are one.”
The LORD says he will be with the true Prophets, because they have not forsaken their First Love.
Prophets and Pastors, wait upon your Isaac, your God given ministry. Do not go ahead of the LORD. Teachers, wait upon your teaching.
Wake Up America JESUS is coming back. We know not the time or the hour. His reward is with him. Prepare the way of the Lord. Get excited. JESUS is coming back!!!