Website Links
Website Links connects different websites together in the hope of sharing, encouraging, and lifting up each other on the internet. When one website is linked to another one, they are showing approval of each other and recommending that subscribers be involved with that person, company, or organization. The visitor can go from one website to the other, making it easier to navigate over the internet, thereby saving time and effort finding a website.
In this case, Elijah Prophet of Fire Ministries International is linked with Zero Hour Ministries. These two ministries are encouraging others to visit the websites, watch videos, and listen to the teaching, training, and doctrine of each other. Sharing the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST, these two ministries are sharing their love for the LORD with each other and other subscribers or visitors. These are just two websites that are linked. Many websites can be linked together.
Making sure the subscriber or visitor has an enjoyable experience, the websites join together to create a sense of belonging and oneness between themselves. This in turn creates an environment which invites the subscriber to be more involved and called to action. The more websites that are linked together the more involved the subscriber will become. We are here for unity in the Body of Christ to help each other in their ministries that God has given to them. Each Ministry Website Link on this Page are to Help other Christian Communities and Ministries spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This Ministry Website, Elijah Prophet of Fire Ministries International, is here for the Body of Christ and the Unity in the Faith.

Zero Hour Ministry Please click the Picture to go to the Website
(Update this Link is not working right now) I took the clickable Link off until the website is Available.