GOD Spoke to Prophet Darren Tonne concerning the WHITE HOUSE in WASHINGTON D.C. On September 1 2016.
The LORD has commanded Prophet Tonne to speak, so he will speak according to what GOD says. He is GOD’S mouthpiece, and he cannot be quiet regarding prophecy to the people, to America, and to all other nations.
The Lord is speaking to the White House about the evil that certain ones have done to keep the Nation of America from returning to GOD.
He knows who they are, but he did not name any names in particular. This world is full of sin, and it is time to Repent, Turn from your evil ways, and Come back to your Living GOD.
The LORD gives three woes in the prophecy to the White House, warning you to stop doing evil for your own selfish gain.
The LORD has commanded Prophet Tonne to speak, so he will speak according to what GOD says.
Ezekiel 16:23 speaks of two woes. When the LORD says, “Woe, Woe,” we need to take heed to His warning.
Isaiah 30:1 speaks a third woe to the rebellious children who seek counsel, but not of the Spirit of GOD, adding sin to sin.
Even the newscasters are involved in the evil in Washington D. C. He knows what goes on behind the television screen. Judgement will come if you do not Repent.
The LORD is warning the White House that it has a little time before judgement comes upon the Government.
GOD is warning the false prophets, Washington D.C., and America that He has a cup of judgement if the people do not Turn from their wicked ways, Repent, and Come back to Him.
False prophets are stealing from GOD’S people, and GOD will judge them for their evil ways.
Come back to GOD before it is too late! GOD is pleading with the nation to stop sinning and live a holy life.
Judgement will come upon this nation and all other nations if we continue to sin.
In the Lord’s Service
His Servant the Prophet Bishop DT Tonne